We teach our children they are bad, yet we continue to keep it in our vocab. Oh wait..I wasn't talking about THAT four letter word geez. I'm talking about the word DIET. Sorry I thought we were on the same page. Now that everyone has caught up lets figure this out. I have a relationship with food..I mean I get excited about certain foods, and sometimes crave different foods..so how is it that we are just supposed to not have what we want! Well...when you "eat with a purpose" cravings drastically diminish! Your body is an insanely cool machine..it tells you what it needs and what it doesn't! You know there are certain foods you hate...you know why? Because your body doesn't need what that food has to offer. Same goes with foods you love or crave! NOW I'm not in anyway saying that your body NEEDs those Cheetos! The majority of those packaged foods I equate to drugs. Food can be a drug you know. If you're used to all that sugar your body is addicted! That's where I personally think coffee enemas help a great deal! (more on that later) That, and replacing your sweet tooth with fruits helps you get through your food DTs.
There are many things that need to happen and one of them is a full on FOOD REVOLUTION! I always thought those Moms who didn't let their kids eat happy meals, potato chips, and didn't keep soda around the house were a little...well I thought YOU were weird and out there! There I said it! BUT in the words of one of my favorite people Maya Angelou "When you know better, you do better."
Isn't that a screaming cry for food education. How are people in this country who are struggling with all sorts of CURABLE (but according to our medical community incurable) diseases that have been propelled by foods that have been processed, or genetically modified, or loaded up with High Fructose CORN syrup supposed to have a fighting chance without knowing the effects it has on their bodies?!?! Here is where I have to give a big plug to Dr. Gerson. If you haven't heard of the "Gerson Therapy" I highly suggest you look into it. http://gerson.org/
But what does all this ranting have to do with a four letter word we use called DIET. I know you've heard this before but if the majority of the word spells "DIE" then I want no part of it! Cause that's what diets do they KILL YOU, your spirit, and your sense of well being. It's a mental game I refuse to play ever again!
Now for the past month I've been on this journey of health and healing. (again thanks to Dr. Gerson and Charlotte opening my eyes on food and healing). I have endometriosis and when my doctor wanted to do surgery AGAIN and then for pain management...get this...put me on LUPRON which by the way in an injectable HORMONE. Oh did I forget to mention it puts you into a menopausal state! Yeah thanks but no thanks...did I mention that was her suggestion for PAIN!?!? Sheesh. So, upon watching The Beautiful Truth www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvzDHGLEUyw and several other great documentaries about our food system, organic food and just getting back to basics..I ordered "Healing the Gerson way" I decided I was going to take matters into my own hands, and "let my food be my medicine and my medicine be my food." I called and spoke to the clinic and although I am unable to do the full therapy they gave me some tips on where to start. (They can't back what I am doing because I'm not doing the full therapy and I understand why..food combinations, restricting certain foods and products ect..that's how you heal from the inside out)
I set a goal of one month. incorporated as much of the Gerson therapy as I could and set out. I'm not a person with great willpower so...I figure I could do anything for ONE month right!?! So I decided one month without meat, without adding salt to things and without soda, and ADD in coffee enemas. I figured that would be a good place to start. I'm one day away from going the whole month! I will tell you one week in I had energy and actually felt like getting up and exercising! YES I know who "wants" to do that?? Well turns out when you feel good you actually enjoy it. I didn't realize how funky I felt. I feel great these days...I mean I really do!! By the way what I am doing is NOT a diet. I call it "eating with purpose." When you start to feel better and you're eating whole foods, and plant based..you look at that food you ate before as the enemy. It's psychological, but it's effects on your body are very real! Now don't get me wrong I'm tempted by meat sometimes..but what has kept me from caving was how good I feel and my short one month timeline. I'm getting ready to go on vacation and I told myself in the beginning of this as a reward I would allow myself to eat meat. BUT..now being one day away..my view has changed..I tell myself IF I'm craving I'll have fish, chicken or a lean cut of beef and I'll only have beef once! Its mental I KNOW! But the feeling that I NEED meat has been proven wrong! Be careful just because you're not eating meat does NOT mean you're eating healthy. You can be a vegetarian and eat unhealthy.
You know whats great about this "eating with purpose"..my kids are eating so much healthier, and I'm now that Mom that uses sodas (and those tiny cans btw) as an occasional treat! I've lost 7 pounds and am now running just over a mile most everyday. By the way my oldest daughter wants "running clothes" so she can start running two!
I'd like to say this to all of you who think there is NO WAY you could live without meat. Try it for 2 weeks. BUT before you do plan a bit. You'll need to sit down with recipe books or online vegetarian websites and plan you're meals at first or you will cave to the temptation of ease and hit a drive through. Remember at first only buy one weeks worth because fresh food doesn't last long. Also shopping at Whole Foods is a MUCH more pleasant experience than any other grocery store.
Lets start a REVOLUTION!
If it is important to you then you will find a way .. If it isn't you will find an excuse!
Welcome To The Show

This is not a dream is it??
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Ever seen this? I used to think it was "glad" hahaha! However it means: Give Like Your Dying! Alot of us have heard the chorus of the song that says "live like you're dying." Now thats something we can get down with right?!? I think we all have this dreamy idea of what it would be like to actually LIVE like we were dying..but when it comes down to it..thats just to risky right?? HAHA. So, I can only imagine what #GLYD does to you. I mean it FREAKS me out! You mean you actually want me to GIVE like I was dying??? Whoaaaa! Hey I'm not the one who said it don't flip out on me! Someone I know did...don't know if you've heard of him..the names Jesus. He's one of those friends of mine who I treat like crap alot, but he still kicks it with me. Yeah I don't know why either. So today I've been thinking and trying to figure out what that looks like. To GLYD that is. My friend I was telling you about>Jesus..well he SAID he would never leave me or walk out on me...so does that mean he's gonna help pay my light bill if I Give Like "I am" dying??
Funny thing is if he motivates me to give cash, a C-note, scratch, chedder.. then yea he will in SOMEway take care of the details. So far he always has. He's cool like that. So I do I treat him like crap? Good question! But this song reminds me that hey...there is hope for me yet. And guess what hope for YOU 2 ;)
Monday, June 6, 2011
When will I be a grown up?
So.. God love her.. my Mother is on facebook..which sorta filters what I say and what I would like to say. After my Month of Sundays blog (which I posted on facebook and she read) I got to hear a mini sermon on how Jesus wants us to be in fellowship..how small churches provide that more adaquatly but you can get it via community groups in larger churches...blah blah blah. Was it rude I told her I was looking through a cookbook while she was giving the lecture. Well I am almost 35 years old and I get that your Mom will always be trying to teach, but at this point in life having grown up with Jesus...I feel quite confidant that if I haven't picked up the "rules" of christianity...I'm either not gonna get it or I don't feel like conforming anymore. I mean we're all doing this "Thing called life" together and we just gotta do what works for us and our personality when it comes lovin Jesus. I guess I'm at a point in life where I've tried all the extremes. From living the way I wanted and doing what my flesh wanted from holy roller>not extreme there but very rigid in that catagory. And when you stay there for long then you deem your self judge in the game of life. I mean why can't we love God love our neighbors and let our "community" be right where we are in life? Hear me say this: I'm not we shouldn't go to church, but I don't think it should be a place where we just go get our Jesus card punched.
Now. Having said all that..I've gotta get back to the cookbook it's day 9 of not eating meat..and I'm feeling great! So lets keep the party goin~
Now. Having said all that..I've gotta get back to the cookbook it's day 9 of not eating meat..and I'm feeling great! So lets keep the party goin~
Sunday, June 5, 2011
A MONTH of Sundays
Don't you wish everyday was Sunday? Sleepin in...hitting the 11am service or...watching church live online on those really relaxed and probably REALLY rainy Sundays or um or Code Orange Ozone Alert Sundays??...But, Jesus would never be ok with you being relaxed on Sunday would he? I mean you'd miss communion or putting your 10% in the "church". But hey, when JESUS said rest I take him literal! I used to have that moment that you HAD to be in church every Sunday or Jesus didn't love you as much. I had more church yesterday listening to http://youtu.be/Lwvino-xcxA than I have in a MONTH of SUNDAYS!! (I'm all for spreading the beautiful things of this "thing called life") So "follow", "like" or whatever... this talented guy..Barrett Baber.
So on this MONTH of Sundays I'm not going to feel guilty because I didn't clock in another JesusInc., I am going to meditate on the blessings, love on my neighbor, and admire the beauty outside of this world wide webbed window into my "thing called life." Because you can't think and do all those things without thinkin about Jesus people ;)
Let me leave you with "this" on this MONTH of Sundays blog: Love God with all ya HEART with all ya MIND and with all ya SOUL. Then go Love on ya neighbor a lil...ain't nothin better than that! ~Jesus
So on this MONTH of Sundays I'm not going to feel guilty because I didn't clock in another JesusInc., I am going to meditate on the blessings, love on my neighbor, and admire the beauty outside of this world wide webbed window into my "thing called life." Because you can't think and do all those things without thinkin about Jesus people ;)
Let me leave you with "this" on this MONTH of Sundays blog: Love God with all ya HEART with all ya MIND and with all ya SOUL. Then go Love on ya neighbor a lil...ain't nothin better than that! ~Jesus
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