If it is important to you then you will find a way .. If it isn't you will find an excuse!
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This is not a dream is it??
Monday, September 19, 2011
A day in the life of the Hummingbird (thats me): Paradigm Lost
A day in the life of the Hummingbird (thats me): Paradigm Lost: Yesterday, I had all but finished my blog and my husband asked what it was about. When gave him a title overview he was ..we'll say confuse...
Paradigm Lost
Yesterday, I had all but finished my blog and my husband asked what it was about. When gave him a title overview he was ..we'll say confused ;) and by the time we were done talking I realized I didn't REALLY feel that way I was just venting. So I trashed it. I'm a pretty intense person sometimes. I'll believe 100% in my argument until someone makes a valid point and it causes to to step back, reevaluate, and possibly change my view. I don't really LIKE doing this sanity exercise, but who does. LOL
Often times there are moments in life when I feel completely fenced in by my reality, and my thoughts are only of doom and cynicism. For those of you who don't know me personally I am a tad bit high strung sometimes. I can easily turn my reality into a major catastrophic event to which I believe there is no end in sight, and we might as well get down in a bunker and prepare for imminent death!
But, upon saying that I tell ya I am very lucky gal in alot of ways and one of the biggies is that I have a husband who has the ability to calmly explain that what I believe IS my reality.. really is just how I VIEW my current situation.
It sorta clicked yesterday. (now just because I say it clicked doesn't mean I am a changed person..I'm sure I'll have my mental moments ;) But I would like you to join me on my journey of changing how we view reality and life.
My blog yesterday that I sadly deleted was about life, God, and Christianity. I was ranting on the point of it all; the point of trying to be good, trying to be perfect, trying to do what is right. I grew up believing that God created us, that our life on this earth would not be perfect. I grew up believing that if we believed in Jesus, confessed our sins, proceeded with baptism that we became a child of God. (side note if God created me..wasn't I already his child why do i need the rituals?;) If you go with the O.S.A.S. (once saved always saved) then I did what was required of me now let me just do what I want without the guilt!
I just got sick of trying.
I did the whole eat, sleep, and breathe Jesus thing. I did the whole..wait for it ...wait for it.. Yo, Jesus I'm WAITING like you told me and uhh...wait are you on channel 1 or channel 2?!? Crap I must have been tuned into the wrong station this whole time..So I guess I'll just make a decision already! Ok, wait a dang minute I waited, I made a decision that I believed was what you wanted me to do BUT..it benefited someone else!! NOT ME! (when i said more of you and less of me I did not mean that financially)
So not only did I not hear,... I made the wrong decision?? OR..was that part of a plan you neglected to tell me about. Whatever it was it left me in a bad spot my man.
Every avenue I turn down leaves me with less than I started! (or so it seems) You can see where my paradigm is forming.
Why try to be perfect in an imperfect world. Now hear this..now hear this..Its a set up!! In my moment of: forget it all.. my life is over.. there is no way out of this mess we're in and my life is a crazy train on a circle track! I signed up for the fun merry go round and got THIS!
In my moment of meltdown my husband says something to this affect..Your life is not as atrocious and loathsome as you are making it out! Who invited this guy to my pity party!?
Often times there are moments in life when I feel completely fenced in by my reality, and my thoughts are only of doom and cynicism. For those of you who don't know me personally I am a tad bit high strung sometimes. I can easily turn my reality into a major catastrophic event to which I believe there is no end in sight, and we might as well get down in a bunker and prepare for imminent death!
Insert DEEP BREATH here
But, upon saying that I tell ya I am very lucky gal in alot of ways and one of the biggies is that I have a husband who has the ability to calmly explain that what I believe IS my reality.. really is just how I VIEW my current situation.
It sorta clicked yesterday. (now just because I say it clicked doesn't mean I am a changed person..I'm sure I'll have my mental moments ;) But I would like you to join me on my journey of changing how we view reality and life.
My blog yesterday that I sadly deleted was about life, God, and Christianity. I was ranting on the point of it all; the point of trying to be good, trying to be perfect, trying to do what is right. I grew up believing that God created us, that our life on this earth would not be perfect. I grew up believing that if we believed in Jesus, confessed our sins, proceeded with baptism that we became a child of God. (side note if God created me..wasn't I already his child why do i need the rituals?;) If you go with the O.S.A.S. (once saved always saved) then I did what was required of me now let me just do what I want without the guilt!
I just got sick of trying.
I did the whole eat, sleep, and breathe Jesus thing. I did the whole..wait for it ...wait for it.. Yo, Jesus I'm WAITING like you told me and uhh...wait are you on channel 1 or channel 2?!? Crap I must have been tuned into the wrong station this whole time..So I guess I'll just make a decision already! Ok, wait a dang minute I waited, I made a decision that I believed was what you wanted me to do BUT..it benefited someone else!! NOT ME! (when i said more of you and less of me I did not mean that financially)
So not only did I not hear,... I made the wrong decision?? OR..was that part of a plan you neglected to tell me about. Whatever it was it left me in a bad spot my man.
Every avenue I turn down leaves me with less than I started! (or so it seems) You can see where my paradigm is forming.
Why try to be perfect in an imperfect world. Now hear this..now hear this..Its a set up!! In my moment of: forget it all.. my life is over.. there is no way out of this mess we're in and my life is a crazy train on a circle track! I signed up for the fun merry go round and got THIS!
In my moment of meltdown my husband says something to this affect..Your life is not as atrocious and loathsome as you are making it out! Who invited this guy to my pity party!?
Here is where the pep talk begins. You have two healthy girls a happy marriage and a beautiful home...this is just a minor blimp in this thing called life that we do together. Its not the end it's only the beginning. You need to change your paradigm! (Well now don't I feel silly!! all along I just needed to change my stinkin thinkin HA I laugh sarcastically) So you mean to tell me that all I gotta do it see things more positive? I don't know about you folks but things in my life ARE as I perceive them. I hope you have someone to help you slow down take a deep breath and see the positives of where you are. Because when I'm in my "gloom despair and agony on me" routine I can't see them. So I decided to take this opportunity and with the prompting of my husband I WAS (much to my disbelief) able to calm my insanity and take a step back and see the bigger picture.
I am the captain of this eccentric ship and he is my "Bones" telling me "its LIFE Jim, but not as we know it" so loose your current paradigm.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Goldfish, is whats for breakfast!
I love having a glimpse in the rear view mirror of moments in time that have a certain feel about them even a certain smell and sound. I have a very active imagination and I can easily put myself back in time. To me (as in my mind lol) it looks like a scene from a movie where the person is having an out of body experience looking back on bits and pieces of their life. So, today is one of those days. Lying in my bed listening to a little music Angel From Montgomery the windows are open a nice cool breeze is blowing in. My kids are both with Grandparents so my rear view moment is the married life before the kiddos..when on days off we didn't have to many cares in the world. We could just be as lazy as we wanted. We never watched TV, just chilled and listened to music and enjoyed the beautiful weather. That my friends is what is happening today. Layne just got home from a hike; where the only concern for the day is what time to get around, and get our oldest daughter at my parents, and once there partake in some smoked Boston butt. Ahh these are the days!
Don't get my wrong I wouldn't trade my girls for this brief moment of serendipity! I'm just going to soak it up and bask in it for a moment before my load of stress that is waiting at the door to dump its full load of "you know what" on me. So when you get these moments eat goldfish crackers in bed for breakfast. Let the moment move you..take you back..and let that moment of peace change you for the better..if only for a day ;)
Don't get my wrong I wouldn't trade my girls for this brief moment of serendipity! I'm just going to soak it up and bask in it for a moment before my load of stress that is waiting at the door to dump its full load of "you know what" on me. So when you get these moments eat goldfish crackers in bed for breakfast. Let the moment move you..take you back..and let that moment of peace change you for the better..if only for a day ;)
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Legends are passed on and not forgotten "Dig a Little Deeper"
There are people in your life that you treasure so much; like a memento you keep in a special box on the shelf. They've been in your life as long as you can remember, they are apart of who you are. That is what this blog is about today. Passing on a treasure and digging a little deeper into who we really are.
My Aunt Betty Jo- where does a person start? How do you express how much impact one person can have on the lives of so many? I don't know either, but I can tell you what impact she had on mine.
The first words that come to mind when I think of her are: Honest, Smart, Creative, Savvy, Kind, Compassionate, Grace giving, loving and a great cook.
Some of my earliest memories of her were when would have a Christmas party at her house. I remember one year she gave (and still have) this doll she made for me. It was larger than life to me! One reason it really was a big doll, she made it long and skinny and it had elastic bands on the hands and feet so you could attach it to your hands and feet and dance and play. The second reason, is because I got a gift that all the big girls got! (my older cousins) BUT the main reason is I was so amazed that someone could create something so great with their hands.
She is my Dads sister, 1 of 5. All of my growing up years she lived just a few miles away from me, so I got to see her and visit her alot! She always had a dog or some animal running around, and she always had a garden. Not like a garden you see now days, a little four row thing with a few veggies. Her gardens were massive! (well they seemed massive to me at the time) To me just the walk from her house to the "big" garden seem like quite a trek!
Once when I was a bit older I remember I was ridin' the tractor with my Daddy in a field that wasn't to far from her house, so I decided being at her house would be much better than this hot dusty old tractor. So I asked my Dad to take me to her house..he denied that request. (for you non farmin' folks..once the tractor is in the field it doesn't leave, quit, or stop until the work is done-so me asking for a ride down the road was almost like asking someone in the middle of cutting your hair to stop..go get in their car and get you lunch) However he quickly said you can walk down there if you want. This was a big deal, like a coming of age, like my dad was saying I was big enough to do something on my own! I took the opportunity! Plus I knew Aunt Betty Jo would have cold Mountain Dew! An extra incentive. So I left out walking. It took me about an hour to get there!! I was so hot and thirsty I thought I might not make it! But once I saw her driveway..I knew I was ok. I knocked on her door told her how I got there she opened it wide and welcomed me in with pure happiness to see me. However she was out of Mountain dew..but that was ok she fixed me right up with some sweet tea!
I remember her tutoring me in math after school. I was/am terrible at math! I was probably about to flunk and I assume my Mother had probably given a valiant effort, but I can guess we butted heads. So, lucky for me I got to go to Aunt Betty Jo's house everyday after school. I loved getting to go down there for any reason...Even if it was math. She taught me in a way I could understand. I listened to her, not only in math but in all things especially how important family is.
I learned to drive on her road. I remember getting to drive my parents car at 14 or 15 (probably more like 15) all by myself from my house to her house. So you can imagine how much I went to visit her!
Once I went off to college I didn't come home often and when I did I didn't get a chance to visit to many people, but before I left school I would call Aunt Betty Jo and let her know I was coming home and ask her to PLEASE make me some of her homemade rolls! No one could make rolls like that woman.
After I was married I called home requested some of her pickled beats I love so much, but my Dad was out. he quickly suggested I go down there and learn how to make them. So I went down and she taught me how to make them myself. I haven't made any ALL by myself yet..I've since then either went and picked her up to have her walk me through it or called her on the phone. Sadly I wont have that luxury this coming year, and I'll be on my own.
To me Aunt Betty Jo was like E.F. Hutton when she talked YOU listened! Because she didn't talk alot. She wasn't one of these people who are a Chatty Cathy, and all up in every ones business, but if you crossed her or spoke ill of her family you had best be prepared because she was going to let you know how she felt on the matter, or at least say something to make you check yourself! I remember once in a conversation we were having about religion (I was married & grown btw) I crossed the line of questioning how one of her siblings could believe a certain way. She REAL quick let me know that people had a right to believe the way they wanted and it wasn't my business to worry about it. Yes Ma'am I said humbly. If you didn't know her..one thing she would set straight in a heart beat was family fighting with each other. Often times if there was family strife..you tried to keep her from hearing about it. Because you knew she wouldn't approve and she would set things right. (or make you set it right)
She was a strong hard working woman. She could and did just as much work as any man could that's for sure. She was a woman who stood for what was right, gave it all she had, and gave grace to all, and never put herself above anyone..ANYONE. As long as I have been on this earth I never once heard her talk or gossip about anyone not ONCE did I ever hear that from her. I can't speak for anyone else but she never allowed me to talk bad about anyone either..especially in her presence.
Everyone in town seemed to call her, Aunt Betty Jo, Granny Jo, Nanny, Mamaw, Momma Jo...I think that speaks volumes of a person character alone. If any character on TV represents Aunt Betty Jo the best.. I think it's Momma Odie (minus the voodoo lol) From "Princess & The Frog". --The accent is almost spot on ;) watch this clip and for those of you who know her..when Momma Odie says "yo daddy" and "chill-ren" you can almost hear Aunt Betty Jo :) http://youtu.be/XJT0uhfcCkw
I will miss her greatly, and I can almost say with certainty that Jesus will have her makin them rolls for the banquet..yum yum can't wait!
My Aunt Betty Jo- where does a person start? How do you express how much impact one person can have on the lives of so many? I don't know either, but I can tell you what impact she had on mine.
The first words that come to mind when I think of her are: Honest, Smart, Creative, Savvy, Kind, Compassionate, Grace giving, loving and a great cook.
Some of my earliest memories of her were when would have a Christmas party at her house. I remember one year she gave (and still have) this doll she made for me. It was larger than life to me! One reason it really was a big doll, she made it long and skinny and it had elastic bands on the hands and feet so you could attach it to your hands and feet and dance and play. The second reason, is because I got a gift that all the big girls got! (my older cousins) BUT the main reason is I was so amazed that someone could create something so great with their hands.
She is my Dads sister, 1 of 5. All of my growing up years she lived just a few miles away from me, so I got to see her and visit her alot! She always had a dog or some animal running around, and she always had a garden. Not like a garden you see now days, a little four row thing with a few veggies. Her gardens were massive! (well they seemed massive to me at the time) To me just the walk from her house to the "big" garden seem like quite a trek!
Once when I was a bit older I remember I was ridin' the tractor with my Daddy in a field that wasn't to far from her house, so I decided being at her house would be much better than this hot dusty old tractor. So I asked my Dad to take me to her house..he denied that request. (for you non farmin' folks..once the tractor is in the field it doesn't leave, quit, or stop until the work is done-so me asking for a ride down the road was almost like asking someone in the middle of cutting your hair to stop..go get in their car and get you lunch) However he quickly said you can walk down there if you want. This was a big deal, like a coming of age, like my dad was saying I was big enough to do something on my own! I took the opportunity! Plus I knew Aunt Betty Jo would have cold Mountain Dew! An extra incentive. So I left out walking. It took me about an hour to get there!! I was so hot and thirsty I thought I might not make it! But once I saw her driveway..I knew I was ok. I knocked on her door told her how I got there she opened it wide and welcomed me in with pure happiness to see me. However she was out of Mountain dew..but that was ok she fixed me right up with some sweet tea!
I remember her tutoring me in math after school. I was/am terrible at math! I was probably about to flunk and I assume my Mother had probably given a valiant effort, but I can guess we butted heads. So, lucky for me I got to go to Aunt Betty Jo's house everyday after school. I loved getting to go down there for any reason...Even if it was math. She taught me in a way I could understand. I listened to her, not only in math but in all things especially how important family is.
I learned to drive on her road. I remember getting to drive my parents car at 14 or 15 (probably more like 15) all by myself from my house to her house. So you can imagine how much I went to visit her!
Once I went off to college I didn't come home often and when I did I didn't get a chance to visit to many people, but before I left school I would call Aunt Betty Jo and let her know I was coming home and ask her to PLEASE make me some of her homemade rolls! No one could make rolls like that woman.
After I was married I called home requested some of her pickled beats I love so much, but my Dad was out. he quickly suggested I go down there and learn how to make them. So I went down and she taught me how to make them myself. I haven't made any ALL by myself yet..I've since then either went and picked her up to have her walk me through it or called her on the phone. Sadly I wont have that luxury this coming year, and I'll be on my own.
To me Aunt Betty Jo was like E.F. Hutton when she talked YOU listened! Because she didn't talk alot. She wasn't one of these people who are a Chatty Cathy, and all up in every ones business, but if you crossed her or spoke ill of her family you had best be prepared because she was going to let you know how she felt on the matter, or at least say something to make you check yourself! I remember once in a conversation we were having about religion (I was married & grown btw) I crossed the line of questioning how one of her siblings could believe a certain way. She REAL quick let me know that people had a right to believe the way they wanted and it wasn't my business to worry about it. Yes Ma'am I said humbly. If you didn't know her..one thing she would set straight in a heart beat was family fighting with each other. Often times if there was family strife..you tried to keep her from hearing about it. Because you knew she wouldn't approve and she would set things right. (or make you set it right)
She was a strong hard working woman. She could and did just as much work as any man could that's for sure. She was a woman who stood for what was right, gave it all she had, and gave grace to all, and never put herself above anyone..ANYONE. As long as I have been on this earth I never once heard her talk or gossip about anyone not ONCE did I ever hear that from her. I can't speak for anyone else but she never allowed me to talk bad about anyone either..especially in her presence.
Everyone in town seemed to call her, Aunt Betty Jo, Granny Jo, Nanny, Mamaw, Momma Jo...I think that speaks volumes of a person character alone. If any character on TV represents Aunt Betty Jo the best.. I think it's Momma Odie (minus the voodoo lol) From "Princess & The Frog". --The accent is almost spot on ;) watch this clip and for those of you who know her..when Momma Odie says "yo daddy" and "chill-ren" you can almost hear Aunt Betty Jo :) http://youtu.be/XJT0uhfcCkw
I will miss her greatly, and I can almost say with certainty that Jesus will have her makin them rolls for the banquet..yum yum can't wait!
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