I have been asked about several times about how I started this journey of health that I am on. So lets see where the story takes us.A few years ago I started having a lot of pain around my ovaries. EXCRUCIATING pain, a pain that would debilitate me and a pain that was so intense I would need to take hydrocodone for about two days. I went in to see my doctor and he told me I had Endometriosis, and that I would need surgery. WHAT tha What!? So I left there and doing what I do..I started researching cures, remedies, and the cause. Everything I read told me this disease (I had a hard time with that word DISEASE) was incurable! No cure?!?!
I'm just like any other normal person..you go to your doctor he says this is whats up..I research and there is NO HOPE. So here I am hopeless thinking THIS is how I will have to live my life. Its no wonder so many of us are depressed...then we need medication for that too!!
I went in for my surgery to have cysts removed. What they said would be a quick recovery..WAS NOT...what they said would be an easy recovery..WAS NOT! I was supposed to be down a day "maybe" two, it was a week of serious pain and me being HIGHLY (pun intended lol) medicated!
Guess what? In less than 4 months...the pain was back which meant more cysts! Talk to my doctor again..I mean obviously I can't have surgery 3times a year! He suggest a hysterectomy! Are you frikin kidding me?! So I left his office with that bit of news and now I've had surgery, cysts are back, he's talking another surgery and A MAJOR one at that. So, I decide to go see another doctor and get her opinion. She did blood work and seemed thorough, and she comes back with MORE CRAP to tell me. One my triglycerides are high for a gal my age. So...she suggested I take a high quality fish oil. Also I was vitamin D deficient so I needed to take some of that as well. Does any of this sound familiar? Go to Doctor>get diagnosed>get pill>pills aren't a cure>vicious cycle continues!
Ok, so back to this 2nd doctor...I ask her what she can give me for the pain (I always hate asking that because I assume they will think I am addicted pill popper) Well she tells me she is having great success with________ drug. I ask her if that is some sort of new pain medication I haven't heard of? Her response: oh haha no...it's an INJECTIBLE HORMONE! OMG are you serious!?!? I tell her thank you for your time but there is no way in hell I am putting that madness into my body. (I may leave and eat a quarter pounder with cheese but you're not injecting me with that!)<<That was my very skewed view back then.
Side note..I have always been a freak about vaccinations. I think we are over vaccinated in this country. So you can see where I was freaking out about the injectible hormone business.
Back to the story: I go home and I'm not sure if it was the same day or weeks later but sometime shortly after I decided to check out Netflix. We had gotten rid of cable and were only down to Netflix and we hadn't had it long when I stumbled on to "documentaries." Until this day I had never watched a documentary because I assumed they were boring. So I scrolled through and read a synopsis of this film and it was talking about curing cancer with food. I thought to myself what kind of craziness is this?!!? I decided to watch it and see. It is called "The Gerson Miracle". That one film CHANGED MY LIFE! I couldn't get enough of these food documentaries the next one I watched immediately after was "The Beautiful Truth" and it was even better! It showed real people before and after! I was amazed with the story one lady who had exhausted all that the doctors knew to do, chemo, radiation..medication..and they had sent her home to die. She arrived at the Gerson Clinic and was put on a strict plant based diet. Long story short..she walked back into the hospital where they had sent her home to die cancer free. THATs when it hit me!!! If these people can get rid of cancer then I could surely get rid of this endometriosis!
I called the Gerson Clinic and they are the nicest most helpful people on the planet! They guided me a bit and I hit the ground running.
I gave myself two weeks to get mentally motivated, purge my cabinets and fridge, and to gather meatless recipes from every source I could find. THIS is where iCutTheCrap was born!
I told myself that I was doing this experiment for at least one month to see if I noticed any changes. I gave myself one month because I knew I could endure anything (most anything ppl) for a month!
At first it was hard because when I plan a meal its always focused around the meat. You pick the meat then you chose your sides, so this new way of eating..it just took some getting used to..like all new things do.
I was so overweight and had felt like crap for so long I didn't even know how bad I really felt because it had just become a way of life. (I always told my friend i had the exact opposite of anorexic girls because I looked in the mirror and thought I was skinny!! LOL)
When I started this newly Vegetarian life I caught flack from every direction. People (and when I say people I'm talking friends and family) thought I was nuts, I mean I already home schooled so..there was alot of "bless her hippie heart" happening. But I now know..when you meet that sort of opposition its your proof you're moving in the right direction. I pressed on. Sunday dinners at my Momma's house...NOT EASY! Lord that woman can prepare a roast so well that if she were around during the time of Jesus that roast would have made him rise up on the third day!) But I wanted to cure myself and that was more important than the roast. (So prepare for a battle of the mind)
The first three days were tough. Luckily I did my homework and knew it was coming. I couldn't get out of the bed until like 9am but this wasn't different form any other day (remember I home school so..time wasn't/isn't an issue) but to be honest I had lived this way for a while. So the first three days were hard because I was trying to figure out what to eat what not to eat and all the while craving a coke, and a cheeseburger!
HOWEVER...by day 3 I had this new little source of energy. Not a ton but it was enough that I had the thought..."hey I think I could go for a run today"...by the way at this point I haven't really exercised since college and I really wasn't doing much exercise then! OK, so ..I head out for a run. I couldn't even jog a mile! I thought I would pass out right there on the side of the road! BUT..this new energy didn't go away. I knew exercise would help so I stuck with it. I had no direction at this point just me and a pair of tennis shoes. I knew I could jog a half mile so the next day I started with that. I stuck with it everyday, ..well I jogged for sure 4 days a week but at that time I think it was closer to 5. By the end of my month....I was jogging NON STOP for 3 miles!!! I used that old story alot when I was running.."i think i can i think i can"...I would say that over and over in my head until I reached my next goal. Its amazing how just pushing yourself a little more than you did the day before makes HUGE changes!
Now during my month I had cut out all processed foods, all soda, meat, and fish! I had added to my life Lots of veggies, and fruits and whole grains. I also incorporated exercise (which a couple of weeks in my husband discovered a new way of exercise that changed my life!) and juicing. The juicing made a HUGE impact. When you cut out all the crap your putting into your body and eating whole foods plant based and THEN flooding your body with nutrients it has been starving for...something AMAZING happens!!
You body, is designed to heal itself. It longs for homeostasis and when you fuel your body with the "right" foods it does just that!
The food we eat will do one of two things: it will PROMOTE health and PREVENT disease, or it will PROMOTE disease and PREVENT health. Its that simple.
I am here today to shout it from the mountain tops that your doctors play a role in your health, HOWEVER they don't know diddly squat about Nutrition! Remember my 2nd doctor telling me my triglycerides were high and I was vitamin D deficient? What did she do? She "prescribed" a pill. NOW I know that when you have High Cholesterol you are eating too much MEAT! No other place in nature do you get cholesterol other than eating meat. Its that simple. Vitamin D deficient? Go outside at noon on a sunny day without sunscreen and soak up the sun for 10 minutes; do this twice a week and your body absorbs from he sun and creates Vit D.
Mother Nature has everything for good health right at our fingertips. We are given "free will" about everything in this life and health is no different. Its a choice. When you know better you do better! Answer me this: How can you be positive, happy, and help other people when you are hopeless, fat, sick, and in pain? You can only be one Positive or Negative. Healthy or Fat/Sick. Unhappy or Happy. These are choices only YOU can make.
I remember reading stories like mine..and thinking yeah right, but I could never do that! Or..thats great for them but I live in a small town and I don't have access to this or that.
I can't afford a personal trainer, I can't because my significant other will never change the way they eat. I can't prepare two seperate meals, I can't I can't I can't. And when you say you can't...YOU'RE RIGHT!
However I now KNOW..you can either make it happen or make excuses! You have the willpower you just have to "choose" to implement it. Remember this battle starts in your mind.. gain control of your thoughts, choose to REFUSE the negative thoughts and people with their negative comments because YOUR life is just that...its YOURS! Haters gonna hate;) But let them hate, let them hurl ridicule all the while they are checking their pill planners to make sure they didn't miss one ;) and YOU are out actually LIVING your life to the fullest while they ridicule you from the sidelines because have said to themselves "they can't" run with the big dogs (because like I used to be, they are fat, sick and nearly dead!) so they're just gonna stay where they are because they "might" fail. And with this thinking...they have failed before they ever got started.
I am happy to report that I never went back for a hysterectomy, the pain is gone, I no longer have a need for pain medication or any medication for that matter and a really great bi-product I went from a size 12 to a now size 4!

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