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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Jeckle and Hyde #ItsMyLife #ImOkWithIt

Writing has always been a source of therapy for me.  Often times I can have such grand feelings then as soon as I fill my page of emotion I start to realize how out of balance "I" am.  (I always think it everyone elses fault hehe)  I know it as soon as I post it.  If I have that....OMG I am really about to hit the publish button and this is just going to be out there for anyone to see, OR I have to be made to publish a piece. THAT is when I know that what I have written were core levels of emotional clutter that had apparently been building up and apparently my most effective way of ridding myself and cleaning house emotionally is to write. 

It's quite amazing how your mind coinsides to your external house.  The more and more clutter we have in our house the bigger and bigger the clutter becomes, because like attracts like. Then once we "DE-clutter".. it creates space.  When you create space in your home it opens up possibilities you never saw before for your space...because it had so much clutter you couldn't even look at it long enough to organize a plan much less actually deal with it to get creative.  And isn't it funny when we have this clutter the harder and harder it is to move past it when the whole time our end goal is to reduce the clutter. 

Once we finally deal  and get rid of all the tangible things we don't love, use, and value any longer we reduce the amount of negative energy that is held on stagnant things. Those things hold us down and makes us lethargic.  When your rid of all that negative energy.. you have then created room for positive energy and the things that are left are things that bring you joy!  Joy  and happiness are positive energies and have a much stronger source of energy!  So surround yourself with the things you love! Remember "like attracts like"
Just like your(external) house so is your (internal) mind and vise verse
Like your (internal) mind so manifest your(external) house. (sounds sorta familiar??)

Well I'm De-cluttering and my mind reeping the benefits and is seeing so many new possibilities.  The future looks bright.  #ThinkI'mGonnaNeedShades

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