Our kids deserve Better than this!
Calories, Obesity, and Diabetes.....we're so confused about everything these days, but when it comes to our children and their health we seriously need to #CutTheCrap!
Medical problems now seen in young people that are diet related:
*High Cholesterol (which leads to Heart Disease)
*Atherosclerosis (some cases as young as 10 years old!)
*Glucose Intolerance (diabetes)
*High Blood Pressure
*Sleep Apnea ect...
My initial question is: Why on earth are we made to feel that it's "ok" to allow our kids ALL this processed foods, candy, pastries, sodas, and oh lets treat you to McDonald's because you made good grades...I'm tired have some spaghetto-Os. When does the madness ever stop?? Our kids are inundated with enough "garbage" lets keep their food cleaner! It's not ok for us to believe this junk is food any longer especially at the expense of our children!
BUT HOW??? Its everywhere!
First what we need to do is stop counting calories, stop with the fad diets, stop buying into those quick weight loss gimmicks! THEY DO NOT WORK long term and why would you want your child to lose weight for one event or for a few hours? You want a HEALTHY child and when you have that... weight and sickness are no longer an issue. And hey, I'm not saying that if your kid goes to a sleepover to be the neurotic mom who sends special snacks! Let them be with their friends and relax..you'll get them back on track when they come home. This also teaches them balance which is the key to life. I AM saying be the neurotic mom when it comes to taking snacks to school! Other kids can have a great on other children. A friend brought sliced yellow and red bell peppers in her lunch and by seeing that I got my daughter to try them the next time I went to the store! Let your child be that for someone;)
Ok, so back to: HOW?
FIRST you gotta clean out the house! Get rid of everything that is Processed, Refined anything, Sodas. Pastries, Cookies, Candy and no frying! Get it out of your house either eat it or trash it. Once it's gone don't let it come back! When it's gone replace it for a healthy item you enjoy. Popcorn (not the butter lovers you gotta get natural old popcorn--try it with cumin or another crazy spice..it will surprise you!) Replace your candy bowl with pistachios. Black Beans instead of Re fried. Little changes;)
Simple truth of the matter is...our body doesn't get the nutrients it needs from processed foods, refined sugars, refined ANYTHING, fast food items, and sodas.. We can get ALL that our body needs from a whole foods plant based diet. Here is a link to help you understand WFPB foods When I say this to people they make a terrible face..say "there is no way", "where do I get protein", "what do I eat??" Actually it's THE EASIEST way to eat! When one eats a whole foods plant based diet you can EAT AS MUCH FOOD AS YOU WANT. Because we are eating nutrient packed foods. We end up eating more fiber so this alone helps you feel full. :) This way of eating takes out ALL the guesswork! Is it a whole food? OK, then I can eat it!
*Did you know that your body can get all the amino acids it needs to make protein by eating a variety of a whole foods plant based diet. Yep. You don't even need animal foods to get your protein..its one of the myths we need to unlearn.
We need to know that our bodies NEED Carbohydrates, Fats, and Protein along essential amino acids, micronutrients and macronutirents, and water. Without these our body is not functioning properly. Those listed on the "cut" list do not offer anything that is remotely good for us.. so it needs to GO. Meaning if it is in a bag or box that contains a list of ingredients you can't pronounce..it's processed.
Exception is pasta- go for whole wheat or brown rice (brown rice is my personal fav)
Now what to eat: FOOD! You've all heard to shop the outer perimeter of the store and I completely AGREE..however I do go in to death valley for pasta, canned veggies, legumes, tomato variety's and bread. (remember the key to shopping is ONE INGREDIENT)
Also if this change seems radical..honestly I guess it is. But I don't know of too many things we expect BIG results in that we don't have to get radical about. Having said this, I don't want you to think you can never eat meat again...but quite frankly meat makes us fat and sick. And once we're healthy then you can chose to encorperate some lean meat. If your child is sick and on medication you will absolutley want to cut meat out of their diet.
Dairy which we all have been told is "healthy" is actually...NOT. Dairy products contain Casein. Casein is the main protein found in dairy. Casein has been shown to "PROMOTE" disease; cancer to be exact. One article here and it has also been shown to DEPLETE our body of calcium..Crazy right?!?! More stuff here. It's also contains cholesterol so why do we need to add cholesterol to our diet again??? And lets not even get started on how much sugar is in chocolate milk (that one is double trouble it is NOT a healthy alternative)
I have super awesome charts and graphs of scientific research on this..however I have to convert them all from PDFs. One day I'll have a minute...one day.
So, if you can immediately cut out dairy do it. Especially if you or your child has diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol even a runny nose! If your child doesn't have any illness and will freak out totally about you taking cheese or milk away..start to limit this. I'm currently dealing with this issue in my house...so I feel ya.
If you want to try our iCutTheCrap for 28 day challenge then be sure and like the page here
Healthy Living is VERY DIFFICULT....FOR BUSINE$$! Where is the money if we're all healthy and don't need potions or pills??