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Welcome To The Show
This is not a dream is it??

Monday, March 25, 2013

If you're like me you're getting fed up with all the candy holidays.  I mean seriously!  We need to get over the thought that candy is still a treat.  Why on earth do we think its so "special?"  There was probably a time when it was special..but that was probably before most of my readers were born;)
Moms, I LOVE you, I RESPECT you, I am one of YOU, but we are going to have to work together on this.  So I say lets start with claiming Easter back!  How can this be done you ask?  Well stay with me because I'm going to give you just a few ideas of how we can CutTheCrap and reclaim our childrens health!
I am first going to suggest you get a decorating kit or make your own, and spend a little time with your half pints letting their creativity flow!  Don't get caught up on how perfect and pretty you could make the eggs, of course you can your grown and have had years of experience. Let the kiddos at it and let them have fun with this!  You may need to get an old painting sheet or newspaper and put them in an old tshirt;)  I love this idea because its so much fun to watch your little ones create AND...with these beauties.. you will not have to worry about "filling them with crap."  AND if properly stored you can make something great out of them. Check out a few ideas here: Ideas of what to do with all the leftover eggs:)
Secondly what else comes with Easter? The Easter Bunny!  Now how do we get him to slow his roll with the candy?  First we need to release the guilt that  just because WE had a chocolate bunny that our kids need one too!  What would he leave in our kids basket if say....we just learned all candy in the U.S. had been recalled right before Easter?!?!  Thinking caps ON!
CutTheCrap Easter Baskets:
Art Supplies
Clothing Items
Hair Accessories
Baseballs, Bouncy Balls, Soccer Balls, Basketballs..
Games for the Car
Zoo Memberships
Card Games..Board Games
Concert Tickets
Movie theater gift Certificates..
Ok, but we can't forget the Easter Egg Hunt!  Now if you want to die that many eggs go for it!  But if you don't I at least suggest half real half plastic. 
 What ever will we put in those plastic eggs besides candy??
Here are a few ideas of Non Candy items for Easter Eggs:
We like to hide a couple prize eggs using those giant plastic eggs.  Sometimes you can find a Gold and silver plastic egg and I LOVE to use these because we do paper money in those!  You can make it as much or as little as you want. 
Now for all the other plastic eggs they will be hunting.  I don't know about you, but when I was growing up not every one of those plastic eggs was filled with "stuff" and that made it a little more special.  I mean it's already FUN to just find the dern egg so don't feel like you have to load every plastic egg up with goodies.  Make them a bit more special by only having a certain amount of them filled. 
CutTheCrap Plastic Easter Eggs:
Money-depending on age use quarters
Socks-fun easter themed socks
Seed Packets- it is Spring for goodness sake
Race Cars
Hair clips and accessories
Chapsticks/Lip Gloss
Nail Polish
Bath Fizzies
Pencil Erasers
Plastic Insects
Whatever your child is "into" get creative and add small things in the basket according to their interest.
Now lets take back our Holidays!